
Smart Mirror powered by AI makes home workout efficient

Since it’s that time of the year to finally work on our summer bodies, here is a little preview of something of interest by Yves Behar which has unveiled the Forme, an in-home smart mirror to finesse your home workout routine. Forme eliminates the hassle of getting a gym membership or the overall struggle to just make it to one by introducing the smart mirror which maneuvers all high-tech gear one might need in a workout to ensure efficient exercise.

Smart mirror for at home workout

How is Forme Smart Mirror different from the rest

Forme proves to be an updated version of Mirror, a fitness system that allowed interactive workout sessions which included yoga, cardio and Pilates. Another similar design would be of Tonal, which offered an exercise bench and a resistance system along with visual workout sessions. However, Tempo, might be the only fitness system that uses Microsoft’s Azure Kinect to detect the movement of the user and make corrections. It also offers weight training but with the traditional barbells and dumbbells and gives interactive workout sessions once activated. These onscreen instructors will be the size of an average man, that so to make it easier for the user to caliber their form and work out accordingly.

Forme is a 6-foot full-body smart mirror that proves to be a fine line between home and gym. The smart mirror acts like a conventional mirror to keep the ambiance of the house together when not in use but when the user activates it, it shifts its gear which involves, handles, weights, visual and interactive exercise aid and much more, to the front. There is a hidden resistance system that allows a push and pulls work out session making it more user friendly and efficient.

smart mirror

Forme Smart Mirror is more like a personal trainer

Aside from all the workout equipment, the smart mirror also comes with a few other essential gym accessories such as a heart rate monitor and ankle straps that are tucked away in a tiny hidden compartment of the mirror. It also offers the user to set his/her own goals, whether he/she wants an exercise regime for muscle built up, to lose weight or to become lean. Along with all these, the smart mirror sets all the weights and equipment according to the fitness level of the user. The weight system is based on the increasing and decreasing tensions which are all digitzed. Forme takes up an entirety of only one square foot of the wall with easily attached and detached equipment as per requirement of the user which can be put in respective sliding compartments for a safe keep.

smart mirror

Release date of the Forme

The smart mirror, Forme, is set to be launched in the fall of 2020, which will come at a price of $149 per month for 39 months which is inclusive of all the subscriptions, which would make up a total of $5,811. The pre-orders are already underway, while the retail launch in Los Angeles and New York will start by August of this year and a full retail is planned for the end of the year. So, in case anyone was planning to get their summer workout in during this COVID-19 quarantine, this is a bit of tough luck but lets hope for the best as Forme smart mirror is on its way!


Image Courtesy: © Peter Belanger

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