
Ford’s “Lane Keeping Bed’ will keep sleepers in their own zone

People hogging beds are seen everywhere, and they cause a nuisance to the people who share beds with them. A vast number of arguments among couples are based on bed hogging and invasion of personal space while sleeping. Of course, everyone deserves a well-deserved and peaceful sleep with the presence of someone getting into their space. Ford has come up with a fantastic solution for this seemingly ongoing problem by their latest innovation.

The well-reputed American automobile company, Ford, has branched out into the realm of home interior and presented a brilliant design of a rotating bed. The bed, while still a prototype, offers a genius solution for space stealers in bed, providing comfort to their partners by keeping the occupant of the bed in their respective places.

Ford Lane Keeping Bed for Bed Hoggers
Credit: Ford

The design features a conveyer belt functionality that has the ability to roll over that helps it achieve its goal of making the sleepers stay in their own space. This particular bed has been called the ‘Lane-Keeping Bed.’  It mainly follows the same principle of cars keeping in the middle of their lanes while driving, typical of a company primarily known for producing cars.

This smart idea can solve the problem for many co-sleepers and can possibly offer an opening to the world of newer lane-keeping beds. Companies may get inspired by this fantastic idea, and we may see an influx in the production of such beds in the future, conveniently solving an everyday challenge for most people around the world.

Ford Lane Keeping Bed for Bed Hoggers
Credit: Ford

This bed has been designed by engineers at Ford as part of their Ford Interventions program where they make useful items for everyday use that are innovative enough to offer a solution to the daily life problems we face today. Several other innovative products, such as the ‘Noise Cancelling Kennel‘ that is great for people who enjoy having their own personal bubble without interruptions.

The lane-keeping bed is functional and provides great use for people who want to avoid having their bed hogged by their sleeping partners, but the rotating feature does not seem to be all the comfort for the user. To feel your entire bed shifting in the middle of the night cannot be too cozy and it may actually disturb the sleep of light sleepers. Hopefully, Ford has something planned out to make it more comfortable and so as not to disrupt the sleep of the sleepers while the mattress is rotating once it makes its way to the actual market.

Ford Lane Keeping Bed for Bed Hoggers
Credit: Ford

A rolling bed can be a great addition to the house, and Ford can make the lives of several people much better with this innovation. An improved and comfortable version of this prototype will be much anticipated by people and will surely make a significant impact in the home interior industry, possibly inspiring others to reveal similar designs.

Source: Ford (via: New Atlas)

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