
You can sleep snore-free now with the help of Nora!

A good night’s sleep is absolutely precious however, if you have to share a room with someone who snores then you probably haven’t experience deep sleep in a long, long while. It is time to rise above this problem since Nora has revealed its snore reducer system.

Nora Snoring Solution 2Nora Snoring Solution 1

The system consists of a pebble-shaped mic, a mini pump and a flat rectangular padded bladder that has a hose connected to it. The mic is placed on the bedside so that it can detect snoring and once it detects the sound, the system activates the pump, which is placed beneath the bed. The pump then causes the bladder, that is inserted between the pillow and the pillow case, to inflate hence readjusting the position of your head without waking you up. The readjustment of head causes the snore-producing upper throat muscles to tighten up thus, causing your snore to magically stop in a few moments’ time.

Nora Snoring Solution 6 Nora Snoring Solution 4 Nora Snoring Solution 5 Nora Snoring Solution 2

Moreover, if you are stuck with a delusional snorer who does not acknowledge the snores then the accompanying iOS app will come in handy since it tells you all about the frequency and pattern of the snores and how noisy they were throughout the night. You can get your hands on Nora for only $179.

Nora Snoring Solution 1

Images: © Nora

h/t: New Atlas

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