
Architect Builds Dream Home On Just 196 Square-Foot

With mortgage prices skyrocketing and construction costs hitting the roof, it has become difficult for even the architects to own their own space. However, Idaho based architect Macy Miller found this gloomy situation to be an inspiration instead.

Miller began to construct her own sustainable, compact and yet an efficient house on 196 square-foot entirely by herself. The architect got inspired by the DIY movement and hence designed the whole house on a 24 by 8-foot trailer. Moreover, the Tiny House, as Miller has named it, also incorporates recycled shipping pallets to create siding of the structure, lighting, functional washroom and even a proper kitchen area. Miller further gave the home a cozy effect by using brand new windows, which were actually donated to her.

Miller completed the whole project in two years as she balanced her work and social life with the construction of her home. However, she still considers the home as a working project since she envisions it functioning completely on off-grid so that her humble abode becomes sustainable in every single way.

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Images: © MiniMotives

References: Inhabitat

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