
This kinetic sculpture looks like a reflection of tree in water

Plebeian Design and Hypersonic are known for their intricate kinetic sculptures and this time they have collaborated to design and install an upside-down rotating tree model at University of Utah’s Crocker Science Center atrium.

The sculpture, Tree of Life, consists of 24 layers that rotate at their own pace with the help of a solar powered motor and tuned springs. The 22-foot tree has been crafted from 190 3D pieces that gives a pretty authentic look to the kinetic model. A beautiful illusion is stimulated by the sculpture as the rotation in one segment subtly activates rotation in the next one hence forming a visual of a reflection of tree in water. Check out this video to understand the deep concept behind this otherwise simplistic looking sculpture.

tree of life 1

tree of life 5

tree of life 2

tree of life 3

Images: © Hypersonic

h/t: Curbed

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