
Light’s L16 camera has 16 lenses on its front to create 52 megapixel images

When the DSLR first came out, we all went a little crazy. We saved up, begged our parents, and probably thought of selling a kidney just to own one. But gone are those days because someone out there always has a DSLR to take pretty pictures of us, and so we simply don’t feel the need to own one (excluding photographers). However, save up some more if you haven’t gotten one of your own yet because something better is on its way!

Yep – something that beats the DSLR in terms of quality and features! The all new L16 is all set to hit the markets. Product of Light, a photography start-up, the L16 is a ‘multi-aperture computational camera’ that is equipped with sixteen individual lenses! Okay, you are probably imagining a monstrous camera with 16 lenses popping out of it but it is nothing of that sort. According to Recode, the size of the L16 is same as a Nexus 6’s, just double its thickness.

Light L16 Camera 4

Image: Light

So, how does it work? Well, once you take a picture, all of the sixteen lenses operate and take pictures simultaneously at varying focal lengths in order to obtain as much data as possible in each shot. The technology within then puts all of these shots together in to a 52-megapixel image which the user can edit to alter the photo’s depth of focus, field and exposure.

Light L16 Camera

Image: Light

What’s really cool about the L16 is that is it runs on Android and has a Wi-Fi which enables users to post pictures directly from the camera! Moreover, there is a five-inch touchscreen display along with a 35mm-150mm optical zoom.

It sounds amazing, right? Unfortunately, you can’t say the same about the price. It will cost $1,699 once it’s available in the market.

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h/t: Daily Mail

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