
Architect Proposed Concept For An Underwater Tennis Court in Dubai

Fish and tennis. Sounds like an odd combination but Polish architect, Krzysztof Kotala has made complete sense of it.

8 + 8 Concept Studio owner dreams to build an underwater Wimbledon beside the beautiful Palm islands in Dubai. The proposed concept picture shows a tennis court under a majestic glass dome, surrounded by the local sea life. The idea is unique and has a lot of commercial value, according to the architect and many of the spectators. However, the spectacular idea comes along with a lot of technical difficulties. Impact, tsunamis and earthquakes are few of the factors that make the engineers doubt the plausibility of the underwater tennis center.

Moreover, a durable glass panel of at least 108 feet width will have to be created in order to accommodate the audience as well the tennis court. This will be very costly as a new technology will have to be invented to create a glass panel of this size. The concept becomes doubtful from the players’ point of view as well due to the refraction of light and the distraction of the mesmerizing sea life.

The idea seems extremely impractical but keeping in mind the architectural track record of Dubai, we might get to see this idea transforming into a reality soon enough.

H/T: Daily Mail

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