
This photographer captures the Icelandic ice cave basking in an amber glow

Iceland is one of the most loved tourist spot for people around the world because of its glaciers and the phenomenal Northern lights that one gets to witness from there. But can you imagine a sight that combines the glaciers and the play of lights in a single frame all together? Portland based nature photographer, Sarah Bethea was able to capture this absolutely stunning spectacle on her last trip to Iceland in December. Bethea loves to photograph nature for all the right purposes hence nature has also rewarded her with a miracle that not many people get a chance to experience.

The photographer visited a few ice caves during her trip and was fortunate enough to witness the beautiful amber glow on the ice due to the low position of the sun during the harsh winters of December. “Although it was mid-day, it was December and the days were short and the sun stayed low on the horizon,” Bethea shares the details of this memorable experience. “For five minutes or so, the sun lined up just right with the cave entrance, and the ice was lit up to look like amber.”

It is moments like these that have inspired Bethea to not only take up photography but also think about conservation and the importance of this medium. “I have always wanted to be a conservationist and I think photos are a great way to inspire love and appreciation of nature. They can help us connect to and care for places we have not yet seen, and can illustrate important issues and the need for action. I think it’s wonderful if people see my photos and are inspired to get outside and see these places for themselves, but first and foremost I hope to connect people with nature, and show them that these places are worth saving”, Bethea shares.

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Image Credits: Sarah Bethea

Sarah Bethea: Website | Instagram

h/t: My Modern Met

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